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Pusher Channels

Build realtime features your users love. Starting at ~$0/hour.

Easily build realtime features

Build notifications, chat, location tracking, multiplayer gaming, web-page updates, IoT, and many other realtime features. When something happens in your system, it can update web-pages, apps and devices. When an event happens on an app, the app can notify all other apps and your system. For example, If the price of Bitcoin changes, your system could update the display of all open apps and web-pages. Or if Bob starts typing a message, his app could tell Alice’s app to display “Bob is typing …”.

Flexible pub/sub messaging

Pusher Channels has a publish/subscribe model. For example, a mobile app interested in the current Bitcoin price can subscribe to the channel named “bitcoin”. When the price of Bitcoin changes, your system can publish the new price to the channel named “bitcoin”. All subscribers to the “bitcoin” channel will receive the update.

Realtime user lists (presence)

Presence channels show who is online. Apps can use presence channels to show user lists with an “online/offline” status. When Bob’s app subscribes to a presence channel, the app provides the user id “bob”. Alice’s app can subscribe to the same presence channel, then show Alice that Bob is online.

Works everywhere

SDKs for everything: web browsers, iOS and Android apps, PHP frameworks, cloud functions, bash scripts, IoT devices and more. Pusher Channels works everywhere because it uses WebSocket and HTTP, and provides fallbacks for devices that don’t support WebSocket.

Proven security

You can publish sensitive data via private channels. Apps must get permission to subscribe to a private channel. For example, you can restrict channel “private-user-alice” so that only Alice’s apps can subscribe to it. Content is encrypted on the wire with SSL. End-to-end encryption is optional.

Stats and reporting

Pusher Channels tells you everything that’s happening, so you can debug, analyze and record your application’s activity. You can see every connection, publish, and subscribe. Realtime activity is shown in your Channels dashboard and can be sent to your system via webhooks. You can query the current connections and subscriptions via the API and libraries. Metrics are shown in your dashboard and can be exported to your Datadog or Librato account.

Region Availability

The available application locations for this add-on are shown below, and depend on whether the application is deployed to a Common Runtime region or Private Space. Learn More

  • Common Runtime
  • Private Spaces
Region Available
United States Available
Europe Available
Region Available Installable in Space
Dublin Available
Frankfurt Available
Oregon Available
Sydney Available
Tokyo Available
Virginia Available

Plans & Pricing

    • Messages 200,000
    • Max concurrent connections 100
    • SSL Encryption
    • Messages 1,000,000
    • Max concurrent connections 500
    • SSL Encryption
    • Messages 4,000,000
    • Max concurrent connections 2,000
    • SSL Encryption
    • Messages 10,000,000
    • Max concurrent connections 5,000
    • SSL Encryption
    • Messages 20,000,000
    • Max concurrent connections 10,000
    • SSL Encryption
    • Messages 40,000,000
    • Max concurrent connections 15,000
    • SSL Encryption
    • Messages 60,000,000
    • Max concurrent connections 20,000
    • SSL Encryption
    • Messages 90,000,000
    • Max concurrent connections 30,000
    • SSL Encryption
Install Pusher Channels
heroku addons:create pusher:sandbox

To provision, copy the snippet into your CLI or use the install button above.

Pusher Channels Documentation

Featured buttons using Pusher Channels